Miscellaneous resources

here is where i store all the useful or interesting blogs i read. use CTRL+F to navigate

Splunk Universal Forwarder




Windows Named Pipes

Windows User Privileges

Token privileges, Windows privileges

Windows Group Privileges

  • Here is a listing of all built-in Windows groups along with a detailed description of each.

  • This page has a detailed listing of privileged accounts and groups in Active Directory.

  • PoC to exploit the SeBackupPrivilege.

  • From DNSAdmins to Domain Admin, When DNSAdmins is More than Just DNS Administration blog.

  • Abusing DNSAdmins privilege for escalation in Active Directory blog.

  • Poc’ing Beyond Domain Admin DNS blog active directory.

  • Escalating Privileges with DNSAdmins Group blog.

  • Abusing SeLoadDriverPrivilege for privilege escalation blog.

  • Hyper-V Administrators blog from-hyper-v-admin-to-system.

  • Small POC in powershell exploiting hardlinks during the VM deletion process poc.

  • Proof of concept for abusing SeLoadDriverPrivilege (Privilege Escalation in Windows) tool.

  • standalone exploit for a vulnerable feature in Capcom.sys.

Windows Credentials Theft

  • Dumping the contents of ntds.dit files using PowerShell blog.

Credentials Theft

  • How to Extract Content from VMDK Files: A Step-By-Step GuideHow to Extract Content from VMDK Files: A Step-By-Step Guide blog.

User Acess Control UAC

  • This page discusses how UAC works in great depth and includes the logon process etc.

  • User Account Control security policy settings page.

  • this blog post showshSystemPropertiesAdvanced.exe DLL Hijacking UAC Bypass .

Kernel exploits, end of life systems Windows


  • Privilege Escalation with Autoruns blog.

  • this site detail many potential autorun locations on Windows systems.

  • ALPC Task Scheduler 0-Day An-depth writeup is available here.

  • CVE-2021-36934 HiveNightmare, aka SeriousSam More information about this flaw can be found here and this exploit binary can be used to create copies of the three files to our working directory. This script can be used to detect the flaw and also fix the ACL issue. Let's take a look.

  • PoC by @cube0x0 C# PoC for CVE-2021-36934/HiveNightmare/SeriousSAM.

  • CVE-2021-1675/CVE-2021-34527 PrintNightmareThis version by @cube0x0 can be used to execute a malicious DLL remotely or locally using a modified version of Impacket.

  • (CVE-2020-5752) blog post initial discovery of the flaw.

  • This page has detailed listing of the end-of-life dates for Microsoft Windows and other products such as Exchange, SQL Server, and Microsoft Office.

  • MS16-032. A detailed explanation of this bug can be found in this Project Zero blog post

Last updated