Insecure Direct Object References (IDOR)


Vickie lee

Identifying IDORs

URL Parameters & APIs

he very first step of exploiting IDOR vulnerabilities is identifying Direct Object References. Whenever we receive a specific file or resource, we should study the HTTP requests to look for URL parameters or APIs.

AJAX Calls

We may also be able to identify unused parameters or APIs in the front-end code in the form of JavaScript AJAX calls. Some web applications developed in JavaScript frameworks may insecurely place all function calls on the front-end and use the appropriate ones based on the user role.

Understand Hashing/Encoding

Some web applications may not use simple sequential numbers as object references but may encode the reference or hash it instead. If we find such parameters using encoded or hashed values, we may still be able to exploit them if there is no access control system on the back-end.

Compare User Roles

If we want to perform more advanced IDOR attacks, we may need to register multiple users and compare their HTTP requests and object references. This may allow us to understand how the URL parame

users and unique identifiers are being calculated and then calculate them for other users to gather their data.

Mass Enum



for i in {1..10}; do
        for link in $(curl -s "$url/documents.php?uid=$i" | grep -oP "\/documents.*?.pdf"); do
                wget -q $url/$link

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